Basics Cameras
Beyond the Datasheet: Choosing the Right Hyperspectral Camera
By Dr. Rand Swanson, CEO
July 3, 2024
An Introduction to Hyperspectral Imaging
By Dr. Rand Swanson, CEO
October 4, 2023
Basics Application
Will Hyperspectral Imaging Work for My Application? Answer: Feasibility Study
By Dr. Rand Swanson, CEO
May 30, 2024
Baked goods on in production on a factory conveyor belt
Basics Machine Vision
Getting Started with Hyperspectral Machine Vision Systems
By Mike Stebbins, COO
January 10, 2024
Resonon imagers lined up on optics table
Technical Cameras
Signal-to-Noise Ratios (SNRs) for Resonon Hyperspectral Cameras
By Dr. Rand Swanson, CEO
December 12, 2023
Mineral classification maps created from NASA AVIRIS. RHS shows 4X improvement in SNR from LHS after instrument upgrade.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in Hyperspectral Cameras
By Dr. Rand Swanson, CEO
December 8, 2023
Hand holding roasted coffee beans
Application Benchtop
Assessing Coffee Bean Roasting Time with Regression Analysis of Hyperspectral Data
By Dr. Alexandre Lussier, Application Engineer
November 21, 2023
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