Resonon airborne hyperspectral imaging system over crop field.
Resonon Pika L Hyperspectral Airborne System flying on Vision Aerial Vector Hexacopter

Fully-Integrated Airborne

Resonon Pika L Hyperspectral Airborne System flying on Vision Aerial Vector Hexacopter

Photos of Fully-Integrated Airborne

Resonon Pika L Hyperspectral Airborne System flying on Vision Aerial Vector Hexacopter
Vision Aerial Vector hexacopter with Pika L Hyperspectral Imaging Airborne System in flight
Vision Aerial Vector hexacopter with Pika IR-L Hyperspectral Imaging Airborne System in flight
Vision Aerial Vector hexacopter with Pika IR-L Hyperspectral Imaging Airborne System in flight looking up
Vision Aerial Vector hexacopter with Pika IR-L Hyperspectral Imaging Airborne System
Vision Aerial Vector hexacopter with Pika L Hyperspectral Imaging Airborne System
Vision Aerial Vector Hexacopter Drone
Vision Aerial Vector hover flight time with Pika L and Pika IR-L/IR-L+ payloads
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